The Wellness Wire

#53: The dark side of social media - with Donna Preece-Jones

Jonathan Pittam

Of the 7.88 billion people in the world 4.95 billion of us use social media.  That's 61% of the global population, and the global number is predicted to reach 5.17 billion by the end of this year (2024) 

In this episode of the Wellbeing Wire I'm joined by Donna Preece-Jones, a photographer and artist to discuss the dark side of social media

In running her business Donna utilised social media to engage and interact wit her audience.  But things got out of control, and what started out as a useful tool for interacting led to an all consuming habit that took over Donna's life, and she believes she became what she calls a 'social media junkie'

"My world had become too much to manage"

"I'd lie awake at night unable to switch off"

In this episode we cover the following ground:

1. what happened?

  • A snapshot 
  • What return did she get on my social media activity
  • How did it affect her
  • FOMO - Fear of missing out
  • Is it possible to live without social media

2. The root causes

  • App design
  • Ease of use

3. Moving forwards and solutions

  • Distractions
  • Setting boundaries
  • Psychological support

You can find out more about Donna and her projects here:
Donna Preece-Jones | LinkedIn