The Wellness Wire

#41: What are we getting wrong when it comes to sleep?

Jonathan Pittam & Dr Katharina Lederle

In this episode we discuss the following question: ‘what are we getting wrong when it comes to sleep?

To answer this I’m joined by Dr Katharina Lederle, better known as Dr Kat.  Dr Kat, is a sleep and body clock specialist, who is passionate about helping people sleep well and feel good. She sees taking care of your sleep and circadian health as an act of self-care.

In this episode we discuss the following areas:

Fatigue and its effects on performance
Does shift working affect our health
Larks vs owls (which are you?)
How your daytime habits affect sleep
Light exposure and sleep
Sleep tracking apps
Do we all need 8 hours sleep?
What can businesses do to improve staff sleep
Psychological therapies to improve poor sleep

Dr Kat combines a deep understanding of the biology of sleep and the body clock (she holds a PhD in Human Circadian Physiology & Behaviour and a MSc in Biosciences) with her practical experience in managing fatigue and insomnia, and learnings from Mindfulness, Acceptance Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy.

Dr Kat provides 1-2-1 sleep coaching to those experiencing insomnia and works with organisations helping them realise the goodness of sleep. She runs sleep hacks, educational talks and workshops. These use a variety of methods, and workforce teams get to understand more about their own sleep behaviour and then design personal sleep plans that help them make behavioural changes and sleep well.

Dr Kat has also written a practical guide to getting good sleep called ‘Sleep Sense’ and has appeared in media coverage of sleep and circadian rhythms.

You can find out more about Kat (and buy her brilliant book)
using the links below:

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