The Wellness Wire

#39: How can each of us improve our micro-health environment?

Jonathan Pittam & Neill Friedman

Our micro-health environment is the things we can directly influence on a daily basis, such as what goes in our fridge, what we eat at work, and where we exercise etc, as opposed to the 'macro-environment' which is made up of things we can't directly affect such as government health legislation, advertising and societal trends.

For today's discussion I want to know how we as individuals can alter our micro-environment to have a positive impact on our health

To discuss this I'm joined by Neill Friedman, Neill  has a BSC in ‘Sport & Exercise Science’, and is currently reading for a PhD in ‘Biology & health sciences’, where his research is focussed on understanding the molecular pathways by which diet affects health. 

Neill continues to work as a nutrition consultant to organisations, and is also Neill is also the co-founder of the ‘BERG F’ a not-for-profit social enterprise looking to channel social impact funding into research projects that look to tackle the root causes of disease rather than into finding drugs for the treatment of symptoms.

In this conversation we cover the following areas:

The Golden Triangle (education, convenience, price)
What's in your fridge?
Workplace canteens
Are workplaces priming staff for productivity or sluggishness?
Donuts for birthdays
School dinners
University catering
Local shops
Sandwich vans
Vending machines

And much much more...

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